Toothbat - WOW Dental Floss Holder

Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen

Beauty, Personal Care and Cosmetic Products Design Toothbat - WOW Dental Floss Holder by Mr. Gordon W.K. Lam; Ms. Wilma F.L. Yuen Dental floss is highly recommended to prevent the periodontal disease but the tedious technique hinders its popularity. Toothbat-WOW provides an incredible easy and effectiveness flossing experience. Curved four-arm head builds up a 3-directional floss structure which can reach every tooth easily. The handle equipped with “Twister technology”, only 3 simple steps can create the ultimate tension floss for removal of food debris and plaques even better than hand flossing. The curved handle with streamline grooves enhances the force of grip and controllability.


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